
Boy, here we go again.

KD:M Terrain – Eggs

I have a bunch of stuff to share as soon as I find the all photos I took that I don’t hate. Here are some eggs I made about 2 years ago out of Sculpey and glue and.. toilet paper. Oh, And a dryer sheet at one point, but that didn’t really pan out. Few KD:M Terrain – Eggs

Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2020

I think you know what this means. I think we all know what this means. This is gonna be an October like you’ve never seen.

Jinkies, minis!

A few years back I had purchased Betrayal at House on the Hill and fell in love with it and it’s randomly user-drawn house system. The game having 50 ‘Haunts’ or scenarios that could unfold based on what rooms were drawn was also a big plus. This means that having the same Haunt twice doesn’t Jinkies, minis!

Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2019

Well shit, we did it again! Here’s the cover for this years SYSOAB. Like last year and the year before it, a new comic page every day just one minute after midnight, Sew-Central time. As an art note, I live in this notion of “fix it in post” even when not explicitly. I always seem Smile You Son of a Bitch, 2019


Get ’em! New Halloween was a lot of fun. And we got SMILE YOU SON OF A BITCH goin’ on

Chaos Eater – Colors Scenario 1

First pass at the colors for the characters in the first scenario. Need to make a few adjustments on the intensity for a couple of them. Other than that, no complaints so far.  Animations are limited frame-wise and sometimes feel kind of cheap because of it, but I’m glad I stuck with my guns because Chaos Eater – Colors Scenario 1